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[230707] #Inceptio #Robosense #WeRide

By 2023년 07월 07일September 19th, 2023No Comments

Vueron Newsletter

No. 28


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China’s Navinfo Jumps After Forming Self-Driving Tie-Up With AI Firm Horizon Robotics
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China’s WeRide Gets UAE’s First Self-Driving License
RoboSense files for Hong Kong IPO amid LiDAR industry challenges
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Porsche Launches New Self-Driving Software Division
Autonomous Trucking
40 Million Kilometers of Accident-Free Trucking Powered by Inceptio’s Autonomous Driving System

1. China’s Navinfo Jumps After Forming Self-Driving Tie-Up With AI Firm Horizon Robotics

    • Chinese digital map service provider NavInfo has announced a partnership with Horizon Robotics, a leading AI chip company, to collaborate on self-driving technology.
    • The collaboration aims to combine NavInfo’s high-precision mapping data with Horizon Robotics’ artificial intelligence capabilities to enhance self-driving vehicle solutions.
    • NavInfo will leverage its expertise in map data collection, processing, and distribution to contribute to the development of autonomous driving systems.
    • Horizon Robotics will provide its advanced AI chips and algorithms, enabling real-time perception, decision-making, and control functions for autonomous vehicles.
    • The partnership aims to develop and commercialize advanced self-driving technology and promote its adoption in the Chinese market.
    • NavInfo and Horizon Robotics intend to create a comprehensive ecosystem for autonomous driving, covering mapping, perception, planning, and control.
    • The companies are targeting applications in areas such as urban public transportation, logistics, and ride-hailing services.
    • The collaboration is expected to accelerate the development of autonomous driving technology in China and contribute to the advancement of the country’s smart transportation industry.

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NavInfo’s partnership with Horizon Robotics signifies its strategic move to strengthen its position in the self-driving technology market. By combining NavInfo’s mapping expertise with Horizon Robotics’ AI capabilities, the collaboration has the potential to enhance the accuracy and reliability of autonomous driving systems. Targeting applications in urban public transportation, logistics, and ride-hailing services aligns with the growing demand for autonomous solutions in these sectors.

2. China’s WeRide Gets UAE’s First Self-Driving License

    • Chinese autonomous driving company WeRide has obtained the first self-driving license issued by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
    • WeRide will operate a fleet of autonomous vehicles for testing and commercial purposes in designated areas of the UAE.
    • The license was granted by the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), marking a significant milestone in the development of self-driving technology in the UAE.
    • WeRide will leverage its expertise in autonomous driving technology, including perception, planning, and control systems, to conduct tests and gather data in real-world conditions.
    • The company plans to use the UAE as a strategic base to expand its presence in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
    • The partnership between WeRide and the UAE demonstrates the country’s commitment to embracing advanced technologies and promoting innovation in the transportation sector.
    • The issuance of the license is expected to attract other autonomous driving companies to explore opportunities in the UAE and contribute to the growth of the local autonomous driving ecosystem.
    • WeRide aims to collaborate with local partners in the UAE to further develop autonomous driving solutions tailored to the region’s specific needs and challenges.

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WeRide’s acquisition of the first self-driving license in the UAE highlights the company’s leadership in autonomous driving technology and its global expansion strategy. By using the UAE as a base for regional expansion, WeRide aims to tap into the Middle East and North Africa market, which presents significant opportunities for autonomous driving solutions. The issuance of the license is likely to attract other autonomous driving companies to explore the UAE market, leading to increased competition and innovation in the autonomous driving sector.

3. RoboSense files for Hong Kong IPO amid LiDAR industry challenges

    • RoboSense, a leading provider of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, has filed for an initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong.
    • The IPO comes at a time when the LiDAR industry is facing challenges due to market competition, technological advancements, and cost pressures.
    • RoboSense aims to raise funds through the IPO to support its research and development efforts, expand its market presence, and enhance its product portfolio.
    • The company’s LiDAR solutions are used in various industries, including autonomous driving, industrial automation, and smart cities.
    • RoboSense has established partnerships with major automobile manufacturers and technology companies to integrate its LiDAR technology into their products.
    • The IPO filing indicates RoboSense’s confidence in its business prospects and its belief in the long-term potential of the LiDAR market.
    • The success of the IPO will depend on factors such as investor appetite for technology companies, market conditions, and the company’s ability to differentiate itself in a competitive landscape.
    • Despite the challenges, the growing demand for LiDAR technology in autonomous driving and other applications presents opportunities for companies like RoboSense.

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RoboSense’s decision to file for an IPO suggests its intention to secure additional funding and capitalize on growth opportunities in the LiDAR market. By raising funds through the IPO, RoboSense aims to invest in research and development, which is crucial for staying competitive and addressing evolving market demands. The IPO filing demonstrates investor interest and confidence in the potential of LiDAR technology, despite the challenges faced by the industry.

4. Porsche Launches New Self-Driving Software Division

    • Porsche, the luxury car manufacturer, has established a new division called Porsche Autonomous Driving GmbH.
    • The new division will focus on developing software for self-driving vehicles, emphasizing the role of software in the company’s autonomous driving strategy.
    • Porsche’s goal is to create advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and self-driving functions that prioritize safety, performance, and user experience.
    • The division will work closely with other Porsche units, including the engineering and research departments, to integrate self-driving technology into future Porsche models.
    • Porsche Autonomous Driving GmbH will also collaborate with external partners, including technology companies and startups, to leverage their expertise and accelerate development.
    • The launch of the self-driving software division reflects Porsche’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the automotive industry.
    • The company recognizes the increasing importance of software in enabling autonomous driving and aims to develop its own proprietary software solutions.
    • The move positions Porsche to compete with other automakers and tech companies in the race towards autonomous vehicles.

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The establishment of Porsche Autonomous Driving GmbH highlights Porsche’s strategic focus on self-driving technology and its intention to be a key player in the autonomous vehicle market. By developing its own software division, Porsche aims to have greater control over the technology and tailor it to their specific brand and customer expectations. The emphasis on safety, performance, and user experience aligns with Porsche’s brand image and commitment to delivering high-quality driving experiences.

5. 40 Million Kilometers of Accident-Free Trucking Powered by Inceptio’s Autonomous Driving System

    • Inceptio, a Chinese autonomous trucking startup, announces that its autonomous driving system has powered over 40 million kilometers of accident-free trucking.
    • The milestone signifies the reliability and safety of Inceptio’s autonomous driving technology in real-world commercial operations.
    • Inceptio’s autonomous driving system is designed for long-haul trucking, focusing on highway driving scenarios.
    • The company’s system combines perception, decision-making, and control functions to enable autonomous driving with high efficiency and accuracy.
    • Inceptio collaborates with truck manufacturers to integrate its autonomous driving system into their vehicles, allowing for scalable deployment.
    • The achievement of 40 million accident-free kilometers demonstrates the potential of autonomous driving in improving road safety and reducing accidents caused by human error.
    • Inceptio’s success in real-world trucking operations is expected to boost confidence in autonomous driving technology and accelerate its adoption in the industry.
    • The company aims to continue refining its autonomous driving system, expanding its fleet, and exploring new commercial applications for autonomous trucking.

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Inceptio’s milestone of 40 million accident-free kilometers is a significant achievement that demonstrates the reliability and safety of their autonomous driving technology. The achievement contributes to building confidence in autonomous driving technology and highlights its potential to enhance road safety by eliminating human errors and reducing accidents. The success of Inceptio’s real-world trucking operations sets a positive precedent for other autonomous trucking startups and may spur further investment and innovation in the industry.

*Contents above are the opinion of ChatGPT, not an individual nor company


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